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12 Resolutions Everyone Should Make

Here are 12 Life resolutions that everybody should make not just for 2014 but for the rest of their life. I hope this video will inspire you to live life not just as a mediocre person but as an outstanding person. It's in my prayers that each and everyone of you realise that you ARE capable of greatness. More than you can ever imagine.

These 12 life rules WILL change your life for the better. Share this with your loved ones to spread the Joy!
  1. Enjoy life now
  2. Mind your own business
  3. Use your mouth carefully
  4. Live life with appreciation
  5. Stop comparing
  6. Let go of the past
  7. Do yourself a favour and forgive
  8. Love yourself
  9. Accept that not everyone will like you
  10. Give out more and receive more
  11. Stop worrying
  12. Teach to learn. Learn to teach. 
This video is kind of like a condensed version of everything I've talked about in the past few years. I constantly need to remind myself all of this. 

I know a lot of you are totally looking forward for 2014. That's great. To be totally honest, today is just another day to me. Let's not look so far into the future. Please don't let yourself say "Screw this year. I'm ready for next year" when you said this last year and the year before. Now is the only time for happiness because it's the only moment that truly exists. Live life grateful and remember, even if you had a tough year- lessons are blessings too. Truth is, life will throw all sorts of things at you. Learn to see the light in everything. 
12 Resolutions Everyone Should Make
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