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List All of PHP Framework

PHP FrameworksPHP Frameworks

A PHP framework can help you to develop web application faster,  and it used by many company around the world. Here a list of php  framework that available and downloadable, I copy the sort explanation about the framework, you can go to the official site to learn more, so  here it goes :

1. CodeIgniter

codeigniterCodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP 
coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. If you’re a developer who lives in the real world of  shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you’re tired  of ponderously large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks.

2. CakePHP

cakephpCakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that provides an extensible 
architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying applications.  Using commonly known design patterns like MVC and ORM within the  convention over configuration paradigm, CakePHP reduces development  costs and helps developers write less code.

3. Zend Framework

zend_frameworkExtending the art & spirit of PHP, Zend Framework is based on simplicity, 
object-oriented best practices, corporate friendly licensing, and a  rigorously tested agile codebase.

4. Symfony

symfonySymfony is a full-stack framework, a library of cohesive classes written in  PHP. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build complex web applications faster. Choosing symfony allows you to  release your applications earlier, host and scale them without problem, and maintain them over time with no surprise.

5. Yii Framework

yii logoYes, it is Yii — a high-performance component-based PHP framework best for 
developing large-scale Web applications. Yii comes with a full stack of  features, including MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, I18N/L10N, caching,  jQuery-based AJAX support, authentication and role-based access control, scaffolding, input validation, widgets, events, theming, Web services, 
and so on. Written in strict OOP, Yii is easy to use and is extremely  flexible and extensible.

6. Prado

PRADO™ is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for  developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid  Application Development Object-oriented.

7. Kohana

Kohana is a PHP 5 framework that uses the Model View Controller  architectural pattern. It aims to be secure, lightweight, and easy to use.

8. Akelos

The Akelos PHP Framework is a web application development platform based on the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern.

9. Phocoa

PHOCOA is an object-oriented, event-driven, componentized, MVC  (model-view-controller) web framework inspired by Apple’s Cocoa and  WebObjects technologies.

10. Recess

recessYou should enjoy PHP development. That’s why Recess exists. Recess is a 
serious PHP framework designed to give you a delightful development  experience.

11. Seagull

Seagull is a mature OOP framework for building web, command line and GUI applications. Licensed under BSD, the project allows PHP developers to easily 
integrate and manage code resources, and build complex applications quickly.

12. evoCore

evoCore is the framework at the heart of the b2evolution blogging  application. It is freely available for anyone to use. It is dual  licensed so you can choose to use it either under the GNU GPL or the 
Mozilla MPL license. (b2evo for example is using it under the GPL).

13. Qcodo

The Qcodo Development Framework is an open-source PHP 5 framework that  focuses on freeing developers from unnecessary tedious, mundane coding. The result is that developers can do what they do best: focus on implementing functionality and usability, improving performance and  ensuring security.

14. Agavi

agaviAgavi is a powerful, scalable PHP5 application framework that follows the MVC
paradigm. It enables developers to write clean, maintainable and extensible code. Agavi puts choice and freedom over limiting conventions, and focuses on sustained quality rather than short-sighted 

15. FUSE

FUSE is a Model View Controller framework for PHP. Taking influence from other web frameworks such as Ruby on Rails and CakePHP, then adding in  custom, intuitive features of our own design, FUSE has developed into a  robust, stable platform for MVC development using object oriented PHP.

16. Horde

hordeThe Horde Framework provides backend-independent interfaces for dealing 
with preferences, logfiles, MIME, hierarchical data, authentication, data formats, encryption, forms, session handling, file storage, remote procedure calls – and more is on the way.

17. Zoop

zoopFar from being Yet Another PHP Framework or Rails clone, Zoop has been in 
development since 2001 and in use for the last 6 years in a number of  different production environments. While it predates the recent  proliferation of PHP frameworks, it’s based on solid MVC principles,  including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It’s designed 
to be efficient, modular, and extensible, striking a balance between  lightweight and fully-featured.

18. PHPWork

phpWork is an event-driven(EDP), component-based framework similar as  architecture to ASP.NET. It is part of “The work family” including, and It helps you build  php-based websites in a very fast, reliable, safe and well-organized  way.

19. Lisa PHP Framework

LisaLISA is an object oriented web application framework based on PHP 5.2 and  Smarty template engine. LISA is follows the model view controller architecture.

20. Orinoco

oriconoorinoco framework is a light full-stack web framework written in PHP5. It is  based on MVC architecture and implements the Model 2 design pattern. Its infrastructure helps developers create a clean and maintainable applications.

21. DIY

It is an open-source lightweight web application framework based on  object-oriented PHP 5, MySQL, and XSLT. It is fully object-oriented and designed following the MVC architecture and REST design principles. The idea behind it is not to reinvent the wheel but instead to combine existing and proven technologies in a convenient and effective way.

22. ash.MVC

ash.MVC is a simple PHP programming framework proposed by Ash. The basic approach of this framework is to adopt a middle-path approach between  faster development cycle, and a robust and scalable application. Moreover, the schemes proposed in the framework stick to the line of simplicity all along.

23. SolarPHP

Solar is a PHP 5 framework for web application development. It is fully  name-spaced and uses enterprise application design patterns, with  built-in support for localization and configuration at all levels.

24. PHPOpenBiz

Want to build a data centric business application without dirty code –  PhpOpenbiz (Openbiz) is the solution! OpenBiz is a PHP application  framework for professional IT developers and consultants to build web-based enterprise applications.


phpontraxWant to become a better PHP programmer, cut your development time in more 
than half, create ultra clean, and easy to maintain, enterprise quality applications, complete with highly reusable code/components? or perhaps  you just want to enjoy creating software, instead of tedious, repetitive, boring SQL statements.

26. PHPDevShell

phpdevshellpngTired of complex and heavy PHP based frameworks? Need a web based application
to be up and running ASAP? Are you perhaps a sole developer or small team that needs a head start with your new project? If yes, then  PHPDevShell is your answer. PHPDevShell as the name suggests provides a “shell” for your code to run in. It was developed from the ground up to 
be fast, secure and to provide immediate results for the developer using it.

27. Madeam

Madeam is a PHP framework for small agile teams and freelancers.

28. Limb3

Limb is an OpenSource(LGPL) Library of Interdependent Modules and Blocks mostly aimed for rapid web application prototyping and development with PHP5.

29. Lion PHP Framework

Lion is an emerging open source PHP framework for creating rich web  applications as a combination of the most valuable features and patterns taken from the development community.

30. Flow3

flow3FLOW3 brings new concepts to the PHP world. Domain-Driven Design, Dependency  Injection and Aspect-Oriented Programming are some of them. And besides 
some great features we offer a new view on the “how” of software  development.

31. Amhulio

Amhulio is a PHP 5 and MySQL web framework. With the idea of widgets, the design pattern of MVC, and the technology of AJAX, we have created a structural, and extensible architecture for rapid development of  interactive and complex web application.

32. ATK Framework

atkATK is a special purpose framework, targeted at business applications. It 
allows you to build an application with very small amounts of code.Its  focus on business features makes it an excellent framework for HRM, CRM, data management and CMS type applications.

33. Ambivalence

Ambivalence is a Model-View-Controller framework for PHP web  development. Based on the Java-based Maverick project, Ambivalence also  offers clean MVC separation and an XML sitemap. Ambivalence provides an  optional service to authenticate and enforce access controls upon users,
based on the JBoss implementation of the J2EE Java Authorization and Authentication Service (JAAS).

34. Nette Framework

netteNette Framework is a powerful, component-based and event-driven framework for creating web applications and services in PHP 5. Nette Framework is designed with simplicity in mind.

35. Andromeda

Andromeda is a programmer productivity tool, our only measure of success is how much we can reduce labor and increase quality. We want to help you to get it done, get it right.

36. CoughPHP

Cough is an extremely lightweight PHP ORM framework for dealing with objects that have single table counterparts in a database. Cough is built to be easy to learn, use, and extend.

37. InterJinn

interJinnInterJinn™ is an open-source multi-tier framework for web and shell applications using the PHP scripting engine.

38. Jelix

Jelix is an open-source PHP5 framework which help you to develop any kind of web applications.

39. KissMVC

KISSMVC is a simple and minimalist PHP Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework for rapid development of web applications. It is designed with the KISS principle in mind, and the entire source code can be read and understood in minutes.

40. Kolibri

Kolibri is a lightweight, flexible web application framework written in PHP 5. Kolibri’s focus is on providing you with the tools to customize the framework to your liking — from its custom URI mapper and  plug-in-based core architecture, to the view technology of your choice. Kolibri flies either way.

41. PHPulse

PHPulse is the FASTEST PHP based MVC framework in the world! It is built to be EXTREMELY lightweight and fast with a modular development environment allowing for quick plug-n-play functionality to be added merely by dropping in extra modules.

42. Pluf

plufSimple, elegant and easy for people used to Django but in PHP5 so easy to deploy all over the world.

43. QCubed

qcubeQCubed (pronounced ‘Q’ – cubed) is a PHP5 Model-View-Controller framework. The goal of the framework is to save the time for developers around mundane, repeatable tasks – allowing them to concentrate on things that are useful AND fun.

44. LightVC

LightVC is a lightweight model-view-controller (MVC) framework without  the model. This decoupling allows any model or object relation mapping (ORM) tool to be used, including none at all if one is not needed.

45. Tangra Framework

tangraTangra is a LGPL licensed open source framework for development of PHP5 
applications. Its main target is to boost the productivity of the developers. It consist code library, modules and control center.

46. TinyMVC

TinyMVC is an Model-View-Controller application framework for PHP. It provides clear separation between the database operations (Model), the presentation (View), and the glue in between (Controller).

47. Flourish

Flourish is The PHP Unframework, an object-oriented PHP library designed to reduce code and improve security. It’s not an MVC framework and it doesn’t try to solve every problem. Instead, it focuses on being small, portable, well documented and easy to use.

48. Stubbles

stubblesStubbles is a PHP 5 framework, that combines your favorite features from other 
programming languages and frameworks. When using Stubbles, it does not  force you to use all of its packages, instead you just use the packages you like and combine it with PEAR, the Zend Framework or any other PHP-based framework.

49. Atomik Framework

Atomik is a free, open-source, micro framework for PHP5. Atomik is built for small web applications that do not need heavy frameworks but still  want powerful features. It is build with the KISS principle in mind as well as speed and security. Atomik is also an ideal introduction for beginners to the world of web development frameworks.

50. Simplicity

Simplicity is a lightweight modular Web development framework. It is designed with a tight core providing and innovative module chain architecture. All framework functionality is provided by modules which can be loaded in module chains and a simple routing interface allows you
to direct requests to the appropriate module chain.


dooDoo framework is one of the fastest, if not the fastest PHP framework available. It enables developers at all levels to rapidly develop robust
web 2.0 applications. MVC based, URI routing, Extremely simple, RESTful API, Templating, ORM tool, Clean IP, OOP, Flexible license.

52. DragonPHP

DragonPHP is an open source PHP 5 web application framework that is  based on the MVC 2(Model View Controller – Model 2) architecture. Key  Features: Request Dispatcher, Session Management, Page Controller, Page Flow Routing, Security, Common Logger, Validator, Dynamic Templating, 
Modules, Database Access.

53. SpotLight

SpotLight is a web application development framework based on  Model-View-Controller architecture. Considering influence from framework such as Struts for Java , SpotLight has incorporated the best aspects of such systems of development and became stable MVC platform with  object-oriented PHP usage. SpotLight gives a powerful kernel for development MVC based applications with Ajax support.

54. WEB2BB

WEB2BB is an ultra light, ultra fast, and freely available MVC written in PHP. It does not try to be all things to all people, nor does it even care what other frameworks do. It just provides a simple and easy to use framework for PHP projects.


SENCHA is an open-source PHP MVC framework. The framework is none-restrictive, scalable, allows for rapid-development & lets you spend more time building the application and not worrying about building solid foundations. Sencha 2.0 is currently under development! Here you  will find documentation, news & tutorials.

56. Bedrock Framework

bedrockframeworkBedrock Framework is a web framework designed around bridging popular APIs and technologies with PHP. While it has an MVC core with all the  functionality expected from a web framework, its primary goal is to simplify the use of other technologies with PHP.

57. VLC for PHP

VCL for PHP is PHP framework to develop web applications, it’s OpenSource and it’s licensed using LGPL. The framework has been designed to be integrated into an IDE, called Delphi for PHP, which allows you to develop PHP web applications visually with all the benefits of a RAD  Integrated Development Environment

58. Maverick PHP

Maveric is an extremely simple, lightweight, and flexible MVC framework written in PHP. Check out StoryOfMaveric to see what inspired yet another MVC framework.

59. phpHtmlLib

phpHtmlLib is now an application development framework for developing OOP style web applications in PHP. The application framework supports an MVC style architecture, Ajaxable and Cacheable interfaces for developing rich client web applications. It still contains the set of PHP classes and library functions to help facilitate building, debugging, and rendering of XML, HTML, XHTML, WAP/WML Documents, and SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) images as well as complex html Widgets

60. micMVC

micmvcmicMVC is a light-weight application framework for PHP5 that uses the MVC  architecture. It attempts to be more lightweight and easy to use than  TinyMVC or LightMVC but also includes support for basic testing. micMVC  does not require an application framework to be installed on the host  computer as an application written using micMVC packages all the  necessary framework code with the application. On a personal note I am not a huge fan of PHP but have been forced to use it quite often for various projects as most basic hosting packages offer PHP. I wrote this framework to make life a little less painful for me when having to write PHP code.

61. Odin Assemble

Odin Assemble is a small footprint PHP framework designed to help you  create and maintain dynamic websites without a content management system.

62. MiMVic

MiMViC that embraces the PHP 5.3 and takes a step into future by  utilizing the namespaces, lambda functions and minimality. MiMViC is supposed to be super-light weight and programmer friendly framework, thus giving programmer only the most essential tools for programming. Practically speaking MiMViC follows the “KISS Rule” for real!

63. CIEXtended

CIEX stands for CIEXtended and is based on the popular PHP framework:CodeIgniter.As CIEX is based on CodeIgniter, it also has an extremely small  footprint, in fact probably smaller than CodeIgniter as CIEX has been optimized thoroughly. You should also find that CIEX is easier to use, 
and more convenient. Some of the missed features in CodeIgniter has been implemented/changed in CIEX, which will make your job (as web  developers) more efficient and with ease.


The philosophy behind the framework and its approach to the Model-View-Controller design pattern is towards minimalism in structural components, avoiding application complexity and striking a balance between code elegance, application performance and programmer productivity.

65. Noloh

NOLOH is a lightweight, on-demand, object oriented Web application 
development platform. It is ideal for developing feature-rich web sites  and web applications faster and with fewer resources. NOLOH extends PHP  5.1+, eliminates the need for HTML and JavaScript, and builds in many advanced features such as codeless AJAX, automatic SEO and a full suite of UI controls.

66. Vork Enterprise PHP Framework

Vork is an open-source PHP framework designed for rapid development of performance-oriented scalable applications. The mission of Vork is to provide an MVC architecture with a full-featured toolkit and universal database support without adding overhead, creating slow & unscalable abstraction layers or re-inventing native PHP functionality.

67. KumbiaPHP

Kumbia PHP Framework is a full-stack MVC framework written in PHP for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern and other patterns as ActiveRecord and TemplateView. Optimized for PHP programmer productivity.

68. mgframework

Mangrove aims to be a highly robust product offering new and uniform approaches to existing problems in web application development. In order to use the Mangrove PHP framework at least PHP 5.3 with the mbstring and intl extensions is required. Furthermore, it is highly recommended to 
utilize a caching mechanism like XCache or APC. Mangrove has been tested and proven to work on both Linux and Windows setups running Apache httpd 2.0+, nginx and lighttpd with no additional php.ini settings.

69. Lithium

Lithium, the most RAD framework for PHP 5.3+ is focused on quality, speed, and flexibility. It’s a set of no-nonsense philosophies and tools that enable you to build better applications, in less time, without sacrificing quality or extensibility.

Lithium understands distributed storage and caching, queuing systems, micro-dispatch frameworks, with integrated support for document oriented databases like CouchDB and MongoDB, alongside relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Lithium’s architecture allows you to get your application up and running quickly, and still allows you to take control of the framework to support the requirements of your application.

70. Yellow Duck Framework

The Yellow Duck Framework is an object oriented framework that will help you with creating web applications. It’s implemented using the popular PHP web scripting language.

71. Ister

The Ister PHP4 Framework is a class library providing a consistent  object oriented framework to build web applications. Features are custom logging, database abstraction, encapsulation of HTTP, classes to  configure applications, form processing and more. Also included in the  framework is an improved version of the templating system t24. The framework is aimed to support the implementation of the MVC pattern for PHP.

72. Sourdough

Sourdough is a comprehensive web application framework for PHP5. Sourdough provides developers with real-world solutions for common 
system components such as User Management, Session Handling, User Authentication, Exception Handling and Logging, Template System as well as Form Building and Handling. It does also include a database abstraction layer with excellent support for the popular MySQL database as well as support for many other database systems like MSSQL, PostgreSQL, and the new lightweight SQLite.Sourdough’s extensive feature set can also simplify or eliminate many common, and often tedious, programming tasks.

73. MagicPHP

MagicPHP is an MVC framework which allows you to build rich, highly  sophisticated web applications without ever leaving the PHP code line, giving you more time to focus on what really matters: core functionality.

74. SimplePHP

SimplePHP is a small, light and versatile framework. It was created by Scott Nicol for use on his own sites, but has been refined and documented for public use. There is currently a documentation and 
download available, and is under constant development.

75. PSX Framework

psx is a framework for developing dynamic Web sites in PHP. It is completely object-oriented programmed and designed in a modular fashion. All classes in the psx library are independently usable because of dependency injection. It has a focus on social technologies and provides
classes to use and implement OAuth, OpenID, OpenSocial, PubSubHubbub, Atom, and RSS. It has a strict separation between code logic and design.The template engine is based on pure PHP, which means speed and flexibility.

76. Open Delight

Opendelight framework encompasses the multi-tier architecture of web, and enables entreprise-grade web application development really fast and easy.

77. Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching.

Laravel aims to make the development process a pleasing one for the developer without sacrificing application functionality. Happy developers make the best code. To this end, we've attempted to combine the very best of what we have seen in other web frameworks, including frameworks implemented in other languages, such as Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, and Sinatra.

Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked.

List All of PHP Framework
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