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Biography of Samdech Hun Sen

Born on August 5, 1952 (officially on April 4th, 1951) in Peam Koh Sna Commune, Stoeung Trang District of Kampong Cham Province, upon completion of his local primary schooling, in 1965 Hun Sen came to Phnom Penh to continue his secondary education in the Lycée Indra Devi. He resided in Neakavoan Pagoda.

In 1970 Cambodia was plunged into war. Responding to the appeal of Prince Sihanouk to Cambodians to join the war against the imperialists, at the age of 18, Hun Sen joined the struggle movement, which liberated the country on April 17, 1975. One day before the victory, on April 16, 1975, Hun Sen was wounded in the left eye. Recovering after months of treatment, he married Bun Rany (Hun Sen and Bun Rany have three sons and three daughters — one of whom is adopted — Hun Manet, Hun Mana, Hun Manit, Hun Mani, Hun Mali, and Hun Malis.)
Photos of Prime Minister family

Political careers

Witnessing the Pol Pot regime's policy of genocide, in 1977 he left his beloved family again to lead a movement aimed at liberating Cambodia and its people from the genocidal regime. In 1978, Hun Sen became a founding member of the United Front for the National Salvation of Kampuchea (UFNSK). In collaboration with other patriotic movements and with the support of Vietnamese volunteer forces, on January 7, 1979, the UFNSK rescued Cambodia and its people from the genocidal regime of Democratic Kampuchea. From 1979 to 1993, Hun Sen held various positions in the Cambodian administrations – the People's Republic of Kampuchea and then the State of Cambodia. As Foreign Minister in 1979, as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister from 1981 to 1985, and then as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister from 1985 to 1991, Hun Sen brought about several remarkable achievements, laying the basis for the implementation of peace, national reconciliation, and the development of Cambodi a. Through his willing contribution and efforts, Hun Sen proved an indispensable architect of the Paris Peace Agreement on Cambodia. As a result of the implementation of the Agreement and the 1993 national elections, from 1993 to 1998 Hun Sen served Cambodia as the Co-Premier and then the second Prime Minister of the first coalition government. In this position, he again proved to be an earnest defender of national achievements and of the Paris Peace Agreement. His achievements in this period included fulfilling commitments to the improvement of rural roads, schools, dispensaries and health care centers, and access to clean water, while carrying out the win-win policy which ends the Khmer Rouge's threat and unifies Cambodia. In July 1998, the general election brought victory to the Cambodian People's Party, of which Hun Sen is the Vice President. He became the sole Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, leading the second coalition government of the two major parties – the CPP and FUNCINPEC – and solemnly declared his Government to be an "economy-oriented government." Under his leadership Cambodia became the 10th member of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Samdech Hun Sen, as the candidate of the Cambodian People’s Party for the post of Prime Minister, again led the CPP to a victory in the July-2003 general elections. After eleven months of political difficulties, once more he succeeded in forming a coalition with FUNCINPEC. On July 15, 2004, under a new law allowing for a package vote, the National Assembly re-elected him as Prime Minister, and ratified the third-term coalition Government between the Cambodian People’s Party and FUNCINPEC. On July 16, 2004, in his capacity as the Prime Minister of the Royal Government in the third legislature of the National Assembly, Samdech Hun Sen declares the Royal Government's “Rectangular Strategy” for Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency - in addition to the Triangular Strategy put out in the previous term. On November 23, 2005, the CPP Congress issued its resolution to unanimously nominate its Vice President Samdech Hun Sen as the candidate for the post of Prime Minister for the fourth legislature of the National Assembly. On September 25, 2008, after winning the general elections of July 27, 2008 in which the Cambodian People's Party won 90 from the 123 seats in the National Assembly, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has been re-elected by the Fourth Legislature of the National Assembly and approved by HM the King, Preah Karuna Preah Bat Sâmdech Preah Bâromneath Norodom Sihamoni, as Prime Minister for the next five-year term (2008-2013).

Education Achievements, Titles, Awards and Medals

Picture For his great efforts and contributions to national reconciliation, peace, and the socio-economic development of Cambodia, Hun Sen is awarded the title of "Samdech" by His Majesty the King Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk. He has a B.A. in Politics from the Cambodian Tertiary Education, a Ph.D. in Political Science from the National Political Academy in Hanoi (1991), and two Honorary Doctorates -- a Ph. D. in Politics from the Southern California University for Professional Studies, USA (1995), and a Ph.D. of Law from IOWA Wesleyan College, USA (1996). On December 02, 1996 the World Peace Academy presented Samdech Hun Sen with the World Peace Award. As the sixth person, and the first in South Asia, to attain this honorable award, the Academy conferred three titles on Samdech Hun Sen -- 1) the Human Cultural Asset, 2) the Roving Ambassador for Peace, and 3) the World Peace Congressman. On April 10, 2001 in Seoul, the Awarding Committee of Graduate School of Dankook University in South Korea bestowed the Honorary Doctorate in Political Sciences upon Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen in recognition of contributions to the recovery of peace and stability in Cambodia, the improvement of diplomatic relations between Cambodia and the Republic of Korea, and his efforts towards East-Asian cooperation. On November 15, 2001 Samdech Hun Sen was bestowed with the Honorary Doctorate Degree of Political Science (Honoris Causa) in the field of Foreign Relations from the University of Ramkhamhaeng, Thailand. On December 22, 2001 Sri Chinmoy of the International Peace Center presented Samdech Hun Sen with "Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart" Award. It was presented in recognition of achievements scored by Samdech Hun Sen both in quantitative and qualitative terms. Sri Chinmoy refers to Samdech Hun Sen as an instrument selected by the Lord Buddha to save millions of people of Cambodia from deaths, to provide them with education, food and shelters, to build them schools, hospitals and water canals, and to lead Cambodia into ASEAN. On August 6, 2002 Samdech Hun Sen was admitted as a member the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation and was conferred with a medal in recognition of his leadership in bringing peace, stability and socio-economic development for Cambodia. On September 04, 2002 the Committee of ASEAN Engineering Federation (AFF) presented Samdech Hun Sen with the title of "ASEAN Distinguished Honorary Fellow Member" -- the AEF's highest honorary title and the first one ever presented. This is to recognize his national consciousness and leadership ability in ending civil war, carrying all-field rehabilitation and development, and giving opportunity to Cambodian engineers to take part in the process of national reconstruction and development. On April 10, 2004 the governors and the senate of the Irish International University of the European Union confer the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science upon Samdech Hun Sen and in recognition of Samdech's contributions and achievement, the Irish International University also honors Samdech with the Medal of Excellence 2004. On July 09, 2004 in recognition of his contribution to and achievements in the defense, construction and development of Cambodia, his proven leadership with advanced political sciences, of reforms in all fields, especially in high education, and in maintaining the national reconciliation, stability, peace and regional integration, the University of Cambodia grants Samdech Hun Sen the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Political Sciences. On September 15, 2004 Samdech Hun Sen has been accepted and sworn in as a member of the Bar Association of Cambodia. On September 06, 2005 once again, in deepest admiration for Samdech Hun Sen’s tireless service for the progress of Cambodia and the entire ASEAN nations, Sri Chinmoy Centers International presented Samdech with its highest award -- the U Thant Peace Award. On March 21, 2006 during the official visit to the Republic of Korea, the Soon Chun Hyang University in Seoul conferred Samdech Hun Sen an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science to signify his leading contribution in the reconstruction of and devoting physical and spiritual efforts for peace and prosperity in Cambodia and South East Asia as a whole, and particularly in promoting friendly relations with the Republic of Korea. On June 28, 2006 in appreciation and tribute to Samdech Hun Sen’s various important contributions to the world of education, his reassuring determination for the well being of his people and the vast improvement of Cambodia-Thailand relations, the Council of Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University unanimously resolved to confer on HE Samdech Hun Sen the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education for Locality Development in recognition of his role in developing the country through education and in contributing to strengthen the good relations between the two countries. On January 29, 2007 thanks to the contribution for socio-economic development of Cambodia which has resulted in its rapid and multi-faceted development in the recent years, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, along with the Hanoi National University of Education confers upon Samdech Hun Sen the University's Honorable PhD Degree (the Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa) in Education. On July 27, 2007, the Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats (ACCD), City of London, England, the first independent international Professional Body of Certified Diplomats, admits Samdech Hun Sen to the rank, privileges, distinction and status of "Chartered Diplomat" with perpetual right to append the letters "C Dipl" in response to his success and fulfillment of ACCD's prescribed requirements through integrity, commitment and outstanding achievements in Diplomacy and Peace Building. On September 21, 2007, once again, The Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats (ACCD) awards Samdech Hun Sen C Dipl its Honorary Fellowship of Companion of Commercial Diplomacy. On October 12, 2007, Preah Karuna Preah Bat Sâmdech Preah Bâromneath Norodom Sihamoni Nai Preah Reacheanachakr Kampuchea (or His Majesty, King Norodom Sihamoni of the Kingdom of Cambodia) bestowed upon Samdech Hun Sen the title of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen for the understanding that Samdech is a distinguished leader, loved by his people, who leads the country according to the 1993-Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, brings about national peace, stability, unity, economics and development in all sectors, defends democracy and achieves positive international cooperation, maintains and defends national independence, territorial integrity in accordance with the prospect of Sangkum Reast Niyum, while taking the lead in building and broadening respect and progress for Buddhism and other religions, having a loyalty to the throne, and defending justice for the sustainability of the monarchy in the Kingdom of Cambodia. On January 7, 2008 Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen is presented by the International Parliamentary for Safety and Peace (IPSP) with the titles - Senator for Life, and Ambassador at Large to the World Presidency, and by the Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica its title Honorable Professor of Diplomatic and International Relations in respect of the talent and aptitude that Samdech Techo Hun Sen bravely stood up in the twentieth century to save millions of human lives, pooled together charitable and personal efforts to liberate them from hardships, while maintaining prosperity, freedom and happiness, and, for the January-7 Victory, providing the Cambodian people with futures, strong culture and democracy. On November 25, 2008, in Vientiane, Lao PDR, President Choummaly Sayasone awards Samdech Techo Hun Sen - the Lao national gold medal - in recognition of his efforts in enhancing relations, creating good conditions and developing economies, societies and cultures between Laos and Cambodia. On January 07, 2009, Phnom Penh, the Graduate School Committee of the Woosuk University confers Prime Minister Hun Sen the degree of doctor of Economics, Honoris Causa, in recognition of his distinguished contributions towards the improvement of the economic cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Biography of Samdech Hun Sen
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